It was Adam Schiff who demanded Twitter to suppress my Twitter account!
I will sue Adam Schiff for $3.2 Billion - also for Defamation
I was stunned when I read the “The Twitter Files” of Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi. It was Adam Schiff (!) who demanded to the Twitter executives to suppress my Twitter account:
My powerful Twitter account was in fact suppressed on November 16, 2020, four days after this letter of Adam Schiff. No reason, nor justification has been provided by Twitter for such despicable action.
What Adam Schiff has done is a Violation of the Constitution, a Violation of the Bill of Rights, a Violation of the First Amendment rights of Free Speech.
And what Adam Schiff has written in that letter is also Defamation: Greg Rubini has never written anything related to “QAnon”, nor anything related to any “conspiracy theory”.
Greg Rubini is the Author of 8 books, 4 Bestsellers in Intelligence and Espionage, the Instructor in a Course in Intelligence and Espionage.
Calling me a “QAnon conspiracist” is an intolerable insult.
What Adam Schiff has done is very serious, very bad.
And it is Criminal.
I will sue the hell out of Adam Schiff - for $3.2 Billion, or thereabouts.
A Congressman willingly violating the Constitution of the United States??
Congressmen must be the first to uphold the Constitution!
And it is even worse, since Adam Schiff was the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee!
Adam Schiff has to pay dearly, and must be thrown in jail for his crimes.
By the way: it is Adam Schiff who is peddling conspiracy theories:
Schiff peddled for years the false claim that “Trump colluded with Russia”, that “Trump is a puppet of Vladimir Putin”.
Isn’t Adam Schiff a conspiracy theorist?
You want to fight the Fake News of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN?
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"Greg Rubini Investigations” is a reader supported publication.
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But why did Adam Schiff go to such lenghts as to write a letter to the Twitter executives to have my Twitter account suppressed?
Why was Adam Schiff so scared of Greg Rubini?
I had a powerful account on Twitter, with 164,900 followers,
and 72 Million views per month:
These numbers show that my Twitter account was more powerful than the Twitter account of any “journalist” of the New York Times, Washington Post, of any talking head of CNN or MSNBC.
I had exposed Eric Ciaramella, the whistleblower of the Trump Impeachment, I had exposed DNI Dan Coats as the Traitor inside the Trump Administration, the GCHQ Spy Operation on Trump (GCHQ is a British spy agency, equivalent to the NSA). And much more.
Therefore, I have quite a good track record as an Investigative Journalist.
Besides, by November 2020, when Adam Schiff told Twitter to suppress my account, I had written 4 books in Intelligence and Espionage.
All of them were bestsellers on Amazon.
Above: a section of a GCHQ Top Secret document that I included in my first book “The Spy Operations on Trump”.
Link to the book:
Below: Eric Ciaramella shaking hands with a certain guy that you probably recognize.
Tucker Carlson
A few days ago, on January 4, Tucker Carlson talked about the Adam Schiff shenanigans and censorship, and showed the letter sent by Adam Schiff to Twitter demanding that my Twitter account gets suppressed:
Here is the video:
Now I have some questions to Tucker Carlson:
Why you named Paul Sperry, but not Greg Rubini?
It seems unfair to me.
Or you are unable to read properly?
Besides, Paul Sperry is a thief.
Paul Sperry is the guy who stole all my information about Eric Ciaramella, repackaged them, and claimed it was his own work.
This is “Intellectual Property Theft”.
It is like stealing a car, or robbing a bank.
Stealing other persons’ property is a Crime.
People go to jail for stealing.
And I will sue this Paul Sperry guy too, along with Adam Schiff.
I will reveal the entire story about Paul Sperry in another article on Substack, in the coming days.
Spoiler alert: also Sean Hannity and Fox News are involved in the affair, and liable for complicity in stealing Intellectual Property.
I have another question for Tucker Carlson:
Why you didn’t say that what Adam Schiff had written is false?
Why you didn’t say that Greg Rubini never wrote anything related to “QAnon”, or any “conspiracy theory”?
Why you didn’t say that Adam Schiff was defaming me?
Tucker, you should have done that.
Or, at the very least, you should have contacted me beforehand.
You know, Tucker Carlson, this is complicity in Defamation.
You damaged my reputation as an Author, and as an Investigative Journalist, to your 5 million viewers.
You did an enormous damage to my reputation.
Now you have two options:
either you apologize, and properly Correct the Record in another Tucker Carlson show, according to my requests, or I will sue you and Fox News for Defamation, and for promoting a thief (Paul Sperry).
And in any case, since the damage to my reputation is already done, you and Fox News have to pay me a fair monetary compensation.
My third question to Tucker Carlson:
why you did not speak the name Eric Ciaramella?
Are you a coward?
Adam Schiff
Let’s go back to the letter that Adam Schiff sent to Twitter:
We have some questions:
why is the letter redacted?
who is “Mr. Misko”?
how would I have “harassed” Adam Schiff, or anyone connected with Schiff?
This is Sean Misko:
Sean Misko is a former member of the National Security Council, a friend and collegue of Eric Ciaramella. In 2019 Sean Misko went to work as a staffer for Adam Schiff, to help him in the Trump Impeachment.
And which is the alleged “harassment”?
Is this the “harassment” that Adam Schiff talks about?
is this harassment?
or is it “trolling Adam Schiff”?
Or is this the harassment?
Trolling Joe Biden on his own Twitter page…
You want to fight the Fake News of the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN?
Do you support Independent Journalism?
If you want to support my work, consider upgrading to a paid subscription:
"Greg Rubini Investigations” is a reader supported publication.
Only paid subscriptions make the existence of this publication possible.
There is another question about the Adam Schiff letter:
Check the date: Nov. 12, 2020.
My sequence of Twitter Threads on Eric Ciaramella began on Oct. 11, 2019, and went on to Oct 15, 2019, Oct 16, Oct 22, until Oct 25, 2019.
Therefore: Adam Schiff sent the letter to Twitter one year later.
It doesn’t make sense.
The real reason why Adam Schiff wanted my Twitter account suppressed, and my voice silenced, was a different one…
We shall discover in another article on my Substack.
Why was Adam Schiff so scared of Greg Rubini?
Hint: Nov. 12, 2020 was 9 days after the 2020 Elections…
Course in Intelligence and Espionage
In November I launched an Online Course in Intelligence and Espionage.
In the Course I talk in depth about the shenanigans of the CIA, FBI, NSA, NRO, MI6, GCHQ and DARPA. Including Gina Haspel and John Brennan.
Many of the topics of the Course are related to the recent revelations of “The Twitter Files” of Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi, re: FBI, CIA and their shenanigans.
The Course in Intelligence and Espionage has 14 Lessons and 10 Q&A Sessions.
I have already published the first 7 lessons of the Course.
Lessons 8 to 14 will be published in the months of January, February and March 2023. You will find detailed information about the Course at this link:
At the same link you can enroll in the Course, and participate.
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I hope you are successfully able to sue the $hit out of them. I like Tucker, but it’s interesting that he didn’t read your name. You will be fighting Goliath, but he was beat!
I’m not, in the least, surprised! Best wishes with the lawsuit! I would enjoy seeing that evil piece of human filth destroyed, during his earthly life! The creatures working to destroy not only our nation, but the world will burn in hell! Greed = the root of all evil, whether it is greed of money, power or both!