I hope you are successfully able to sue the $hit out of them. I like Tucker, but it’s interesting that he didn’t read your name. You will be fighting Goliath, but he was beat!
Maybe because Tucker was ORDERED to not say my name?
by someone at Fox?
* * *
I will sue the hell out of Adam Schiff! That's for certain!
I have Top Notch lawyers.
* * *
Besides: I'm sure that Adam Schiff did it on behalf of someone else, at higher level than him. I know who could be. It will come out at Trial, in the Discovery process: Schiff will rat out who it was, he's a coward, and he will not accept to be the fall guy.
That letter alone is more than enough to convict Adam Schiff.
I am suing where I can find honest judges. Probably in FLA (Sarasota County), or in Louisiana or Missouri. My lawyers will advise for the best location/circuit: it's their job!
That will be epic! These clowns need to be held accountable. They are constantly trampling on our constitution. Our first amendment, is freedom of speech. It’s the first one because it’s the most important. 
2) I like Tucker Carlson too, but he behaved unfairly towards myself.
He has to apologize publicly, in a Tucker Carlson show, Correct the Record, and pay me a suitable compensation for damages.
The damage is already done.
Because of Tucker Carlson, now 5 million people in the country believe that Greg Rubini is a "Qanon conspiracist"! This is DEFAMATION. It is unacceptable.
I’m not, in the least, surprised! Best wishes with the lawsuit! I would enjoy seeing that evil piece of human filth destroyed, during his earthly life! The creatures working to destroy not only our nation, but the world will burn in hell! Greed = the root of all evil, whether it is greed of money, power or both!
Greg: God bless you & help you take this evil piece of Schiff for everything he has. Then, after that, let's get him tried & jailed. Will be great to see that smug, arrogant look off his face. Again, Godspeed, Greg Rubini.
Greg: Isn't it amazing how the truth always seems to find a way out. I'm not the most religious guy, but I do believe that God is "The Truth" & He is finally allowing us to see what evil has been thrust upon us. Now, it's up to every good person to make sure we use "The Truth" that's been presented to us. Not just lawmakers & investigative journalists, such as yourself, but every American Patriot who's tired of the BS of the demmunist/commucrap party, must stand up & fight these evil "people", which includes Klaus "The Nazi" Schwab, Soros, MasterGates, Dr. Fuckya (& his death jab) & the other elites of the World Economic Forum & the UN.
I'd be glad to hear what you have to say about the WEF & their role in all of what's happened, is currently occurring & their plans for our future. You'd be amazed at how many people I speak with that haven't the slightest clue of the bigger picture of what the WEF is & what their agenda of one-world gub'mnt is & how they plan to achieve it. So many ignorantly say that it wouldn't/couldn't ever happen here & don't believe it even after I lay out all I know about it & they look at me like I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, despite my telling them it's not a conspiracy when you can see these sinister bastards talk openly on video or read their words in books about their agenda. Somehow, this information has got to get to all "We the People", because they won't hear or read it from the state run media.
Will end my screed as my typing finger is getting sore.
I agree 100%. I'm trying to get the truth out. I am still shadowbanned, deboosted and "Deamplified" by Twitter - and also here on Substack (Substack is based in communist San Francisco, just like Twitter and Stripe).
So my lawyers will take care of that - both with Twitter and Substack.
* * *
WEF: both Justin Trudeau and Zelensky are WEF/Soros puppets, as well as most UK and EU politicians and Prime Ministers.
* * *
I will be able to write more about the WEF/Soros/BlackRock Cabal once all the shadowbanning and deboosting on me is lifted.
I have to wait for my lawyers actions and lawsuits.
I know this post was for Greg, but I want to say Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. Here is a link to a talk by Charlie Kirk. I’m not even a diehard fan of his, but what an excellent educational talk, for those who are oblivious to the evil plan the WEF has for humanity!
Leslie: Thank you! Always great to meet another American Patriot. Somehow, some way, "We the People" with the knowledge have to get that very important info to all those who are not in the know, for one reason, or another, but would welcome, & hopefully pass on, that knowledge to their family, friends, co-workers, etc.
Knowledge is power & vital to fighting off these tyrannical bastards who think, because they have boatloads of money, that they should rule our lives.
PS: I'll let you know what I think after I watch the talk. The only Kirk I'm a fan of has Captain before it & has a starship.
I, quite, agree about Kirks! I’m not a Charlie fan, but I was impressed! I was acquainted with all the topics he discussed. But I thought it was the perfect talk to awaken others. I shared it with my daughters, husband and friends, with the hope that they would share with friends and coworkers. Thank you, for the positive discourse. Take care!
P.S. I enjoyed the Starship reference. I grew up with the original and was a fan!
Thanks, Greg! Can't wait for you to come out of the shadows of Twitter, & be rebooted & "Reamplified", so you can really unleash on the demmunist/commucraps that are ruining our great America.
Thanks for that bit of WEF info. I also know that Putin is a long-time friend & minion of Schwab. My whole take on this "war" in Ukraine is that it's been manufactured by the WEF as a way to ruin the world's economy, cause chaos while also depopulating a bit. I mean, c'mon, are they trying to tell us that Russia couldn't just roll right on through Ukraine, take its capital & capture/kill Zelensky & his crew. They must think we're all ignorant CNN & MSLSD watching idiots.
I also see this "war" as a way of America via Resident Joke Frauden wasting our tax money by sending how many billions with a "b" to Zelensky. Add in all of our weaponry sent that is depleting our own supply. We're also sending how much money & armaments to Taiwan further reducing both that could be better served here in the US. I put into the big picture Frauden ending the Afghanistan debacle the way he did with "donating" how many billions with a "b" of military hardware that would/could be serviceable in protecting America. Seems all this is a way to weaken America by design. I feel Frauden was told to vacate Afghanistan how he did by the elitists as a prelude to the "war" as a way to send our weaponry to Ukraine & Taiwan instead of our guys needing it for combat (Not sure if I expressed what I mean in an understand able way).
Like I said, everything can fit into the big picture pointing back to the WEF. Obama's fake birth certificate & I wouldn't be surprised to learn there was fraud in both 2008 & 2012. Remember what Killary gave Putin on her first trip of Sec'y of State. The big red button that said "RESET" on top. Gee, what does that tell one?
Gotta cut it here. I get a bit passionate when it comes to those wanting to destroy our country & great Constitution, thus ruining the future of our kids, grands, greatgrands, & so on.
The way I look at it, there is absolutely nothing that is too evil, unconscionable, unconstitutional, unethical … I could go on and on, for these sub humans! They believe in their own twisted minds, that they can beat God, as WEF Klaus Schwab freely states, they will be part machine/computer chip. The end result for these elites is mass depopulation of the earth and (for them only) immortality!
People, such as yourself, are a stumbling block! The chance, of you awakening the masses, can not be permitted! Each of us, in our own way, must continue to resist this despicable agenda!
There's a sweet irony to shifty Schiff putting himself in the cross hairs and unintended compliment in ranking you as a primary threat. What a wonderful plot twist for these scoundrels to be exposed for the lying dirtbags they truly are.. can't wait for the lawsuit to lay waste to their tyrannical power.
2) Besides: I have good reasons to believe that Schiff acted on behalf of someone else, above his rank.
That would be either the DNC / or the Biden Cabal...
or the FBI/DHS/CIA.
Schiff is a coward, he will not want to be the fall guy, so in the Trial/Discovery process he will rat out who gave the order... That Trial will be a Shit Show!! One for the ages...
In the old days it was common belief in Washington that the true measure of someone's power was measured by the cumulative strength of his enemies not friends, go you! :~)
Yes! that's great! - check my Substack more often...
I will work with my lawyers to be on the Joe Rogan show - to expose the whole Adam Shiff shenanigans ->>> plus the Paul Sperry / Sean Hannity rip-off of my info on Eric Ciaramella of Oct 2019..
I promise! I'll check your Substack more often! I've sucked at being in touch my friend. Such great comments from people who are wide awake! Refreshing! Keep the faith and stay your fearless self! Big hug to you! Prayers always too. God bless you Greg! 🙏
Hi my friend! Holy cow!! That dirty pedo, bug eyed creep!!! Your Twitter account was so enlightening you probably scared the entire ( 3 letter DS ) . I'm not kidding about that either. Adam Schiff I'd the master of conspiracy theories and sick enough to believe himself!! So creepy and evil 😈. That guy is filled full of demon 😈 Sue him into poverty Greg! Praying for you too. My account is not back yet. Hopefully it all will be restored 🙏 God bless you!
I was stunned when I read that letter. It seems Adam Schiff was obsessed by @GregRubini! - there is also a 2nd letter that came out...
Yes, there is no doubt that Adam Schiff acted on behalf of someone else, someone above his rank. That could be either the FBI/CIA/NSA, as you say, or the top levels of the DNC/Perkins Coie/Biden Cabal
It seems I was (am) their Top Enemy #1 !
Badge of Honor!
If they attacked me so hard, it means I was Over the Target.
* * *
I am lawyered up, and I will sue Adam Schiff, and everyone else involved very hard ($3.2 Billion in damages and defamation). Including Paul Sperry, Sean Hannity and Fox News for the Eric Ciaramella affair (The THEFT of my Intellectual Property).
* * *
My lawyers will contact Elon Musk directly this week.
Write me here your handle on Twitter, so I will tell Elon Musk to reinstate your account!
Greg: As the late great El Rushbo always said, the democrats will always show who they're most afraid of by their actions. Yes, you definitely were top of the list.
Go get'em! Eye of the Tiger time. Make 'em pay, big time!!!
Note that Eric Ciaramella is a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Sean Misko is a recent member. The CFR is part of the UK Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) network, many Rhodes Scholars and LSE alumni are CFR members, etc.
As usual, the key players on the "Biden team" are CFR members, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.
Most of the CIA directors have been CFR members, including: Burns, Morell, Petraeus, Hayden, Goss, Tenet, Deutch, Woolsey, Webster, Casey, Gates, Turner, Bush, Colby, Schlesinger, Helms, McCone, and Dulles.
Allen Dulles, who ran the original CIA "Operation Mockingbird" to coordinate the media, was a CFR director for 40 years. Same stuff, different decade. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
Greg, I too hope you’re successful, and welcome back to Twitter! Question: For the report you made (#8 in your series) for NY, what data and analysis (generally) did you use to get your numbers? Are you aware of the work done by New York Citizens Audit? Look for the Zark files substack, see their website at AuditNY.com, and get an introduction with links to major interview videos and articles (with surprising -- and dare I say disturbing -- data) at both of these shortcut links:
Thank you for being such a great friend Greg! I could say all the negative and evil thing's about many platforms especially Twitter. But, God does make bad thing be turned for good and the friendships made on Twitter only made us stronger. The Watchman on the Wall. Friendships for life. Have a great day! It's great to be in touch again. Sincerely Sharleta ✝️
Can you believe that? Four years! Wow! It seems like yesterday. Thank you for any help. I pray you have success. But as you say, Elon Musk is definitely being used by Hod to expose the dark halls of Twitter land and all its shadows we didn't see. My time will happen when it's supposed to. I'm praying for Elon to have wisdom and courage. I like his one liner comments. Cracks me up. No nonsense and straight to the point. Epic.
I hope you are successfully able to sue the $hit out of them. I like Tucker, but it’s interesting that he didn’t read your name. You will be fighting Goliath, but he was beat!
Yes, that's interesting, isn't it?
Maybe because Tucker was ORDERED to not say my name?
by someone at Fox?
* * *
I will sue the hell out of Adam Schiff! That's for certain!
I have Top Notch lawyers.
* * *
Besides: I'm sure that Adam Schiff did it on behalf of someone else, at higher level than him. I know who could be. It will come out at Trial, in the Discovery process: Schiff will rat out who it was, he's a coward, and he will not accept to be the fall guy.
Watch them say you have no standing

That's bullshit!
That letter alone is more than enough to convict Adam Schiff.
I am suing where I can find honest judges. Probably in FLA (Sarasota County), or in Louisiana or Missouri. My lawyers will advise for the best location/circuit: it's their job!
That will be epic! These clowns need to be held accountable. They are constantly trampling on our constitution. Our first amendment, is freedom of speech. It’s the first one because it’s the most important. 
I agree 100%
2) I like Tucker Carlson too, but he behaved unfairly towards myself.
He has to apologize publicly, in a Tucker Carlson show, Correct the Record, and pay me a suitable compensation for damages.
The damage is already done.
Because of Tucker Carlson, now 5 million people in the country believe that Greg Rubini is a "Qanon conspiracist"! This is DEFAMATION. It is unacceptable.
I’m not, in the least, surprised! Best wishes with the lawsuit! I would enjoy seeing that evil piece of human filth destroyed, during his earthly life! The creatures working to destroy not only our nation, but the world will burn in hell! Greed = the root of all evil, whether it is greed of money, power or both!
Thank you, Leslie!
When my Twitter account was suppressed, on Nov. 16, 2020, I thought the culprit was some rogue bolshevik employee of Twitter.
I never imagined it was the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Adam Schiff, who did it!
When I read that letter from "The Twitter Files" I was stunned, I almost fell off my chair.
Greg: God bless you & help you take this evil piece of Schiff for everything he has. Then, after that, let's get him tried & jailed. Will be great to see that smug, arrogant look off his face. Again, Godspeed, Greg Rubini.
Thank you, Kevin!
Very kind of you...
You bet! I will do exactly what you have written: $3.2 Billion seems a fair amount as compensation.
I want Adam Schiff left homeless in Los Angeles, begging dimes to passersby.
* * *
And then, as you say, have him convicted and thrown in jail for 100 years!
Greg: Isn't it amazing how the truth always seems to find a way out. I'm not the most religious guy, but I do believe that God is "The Truth" & He is finally allowing us to see what evil has been thrust upon us. Now, it's up to every good person to make sure we use "The Truth" that's been presented to us. Not just lawmakers & investigative journalists, such as yourself, but every American Patriot who's tired of the BS of the demmunist/commucrap party, must stand up & fight these evil "people", which includes Klaus "The Nazi" Schwab, Soros, MasterGates, Dr. Fuckya (& his death jab) & the other elites of the World Economic Forum & the UN.
I'd be glad to hear what you have to say about the WEF & their role in all of what's happened, is currently occurring & their plans for our future. You'd be amazed at how many people I speak with that haven't the slightest clue of the bigger picture of what the WEF is & what their agenda of one-world gub'mnt is & how they plan to achieve it. So many ignorantly say that it wouldn't/couldn't ever happen here & don't believe it even after I lay out all I know about it & they look at me like I'm a crazy conspiracy theorist, despite my telling them it's not a conspiracy when you can see these sinister bastards talk openly on video or read their words in books about their agenda. Somehow, this information has got to get to all "We the People", because they won't hear or read it from the state run media.
Will end my screed as my typing finger is getting sore.
Kevin Korpas
Great comment, Kevin! Thank you...
I agree 100%. I'm trying to get the truth out. I am still shadowbanned, deboosted and "Deamplified" by Twitter - and also here on Substack (Substack is based in communist San Francisco, just like Twitter and Stripe).
So my lawyers will take care of that - both with Twitter and Substack.
* * *
WEF: both Justin Trudeau and Zelensky are WEF/Soros puppets, as well as most UK and EU politicians and Prime Ministers.
* * *
I will be able to write more about the WEF/Soros/BlackRock Cabal once all the shadowbanning and deboosting on me is lifted.
I have to wait for my lawyers actions and lawsuits.
I know this post was for Greg, but I want to say Thank you! I couldn’t agree more. Here is a link to a talk by Charlie Kirk. I’m not even a diehard fan of his, but what an excellent educational talk, for those who are oblivious to the evil plan the WEF has for humanity!
Leslie: Thank you! Always great to meet another American Patriot. Somehow, some way, "We the People" with the knowledge have to get that very important info to all those who are not in the know, for one reason, or another, but would welcome, & hopefully pass on, that knowledge to their family, friends, co-workers, etc.
Knowledge is power & vital to fighting off these tyrannical bastards who think, because they have boatloads of money, that they should rule our lives.
PS: I'll let you know what I think after I watch the talk. The only Kirk I'm a fan of has Captain before it & has a starship.
I, quite, agree about Kirks! I’m not a Charlie fan, but I was impressed! I was acquainted with all the topics he discussed. But I thought it was the perfect talk to awaken others. I shared it with my daughters, husband and friends, with the hope that they would share with friends and coworkers. Thank you, for the positive discourse. Take care!
P.S. I enjoyed the Starship reference. I grew up with the original and was a fan!
Do it. Cant stand that bugeyed liar
I will sue the hell out of Adam Schiff! That's for certain!
I have Top Notch lawyers.
$3.2 Billion is a fair compensation for the damage done.
When you win, you have to come to Ohio so I can meet you !
Count on it!
We'll have a great dinner in the best restaurant in town, and many drinks thereafter in the best Blues bar!
I'll pay the bills!
Don’t forget the GulfStream G700!
Thanks, Greg! Can't wait for you to come out of the shadows of Twitter, & be rebooted & "Reamplified", so you can really unleash on the demmunist/commucraps that are ruining our great America.
Thanks for that bit of WEF info. I also know that Putin is a long-time friend & minion of Schwab. My whole take on this "war" in Ukraine is that it's been manufactured by the WEF as a way to ruin the world's economy, cause chaos while also depopulating a bit. I mean, c'mon, are they trying to tell us that Russia couldn't just roll right on through Ukraine, take its capital & capture/kill Zelensky & his crew. They must think we're all ignorant CNN & MSLSD watching idiots.
I also see this "war" as a way of America via Resident Joke Frauden wasting our tax money by sending how many billions with a "b" to Zelensky. Add in all of our weaponry sent that is depleting our own supply. We're also sending how much money & armaments to Taiwan further reducing both that could be better served here in the US. I put into the big picture Frauden ending the Afghanistan debacle the way he did with "donating" how many billions with a "b" of military hardware that would/could be serviceable in protecting America. Seems all this is a way to weaken America by design. I feel Frauden was told to vacate Afghanistan how he did by the elitists as a prelude to the "war" as a way to send our weaponry to Ukraine & Taiwan instead of our guys needing it for combat (Not sure if I expressed what I mean in an understand able way).
Like I said, everything can fit into the big picture pointing back to the WEF. Obama's fake birth certificate & I wouldn't be surprised to learn there was fraud in both 2008 & 2012. Remember what Killary gave Putin on her first trip of Sec'y of State. The big red button that said "RESET" on top. Gee, what does that tell one?
Gotta cut it here. I get a bit passionate when it comes to those wanting to destroy our country & great Constitution, thus ruining the future of our kids, grands, greatgrands, & so on.
As always:
Kevin Korpas
The way I look at it, there is absolutely nothing that is too evil, unconscionable, unconstitutional, unethical … I could go on and on, for these sub humans! They believe in their own twisted minds, that they can beat God, as WEF Klaus Schwab freely states, they will be part machine/computer chip. The end result for these elites is mass depopulation of the earth and (for them only) immortality!
People, such as yourself, are a stumbling block! The chance, of you awakening the masses, can not be permitted! Each of us, in our own way, must continue to resist this despicable agenda!
I agree 100%, Leslie.
Those monsters: Fauci, WEF, BlackRock, Bill Gates remind me of THE BORG.
(Star Trek)
But even more evil and immoral.
These are MONSTERS, not human.
Leslie: Very well said. I'm so glad to see someone else who gets it & not afraid to say it as well.
Kevin, Thank you and same to you. I feel it is incumbent upon us to speak out against evil and tyranny!!!
There's a sweet irony to shifty Schiff putting himself in the cross hairs and unintended compliment in ranking you as a primary threat. What a wonderful plot twist for these scoundrels to be exposed for the lying dirtbags they truly are.. can't wait for the lawsuit to lay waste to their tyrannical power.
2) Besides: I have good reasons to believe that Schiff acted on behalf of someone else, above his rank.
That would be either the DNC / or the Biden Cabal...
or the FBI/DHS/CIA.
Schiff is a coward, he will not want to be the fall guy, so in the Trial/Discovery process he will rat out who gave the order... That Trial will be a Shit Show!! One for the ages...
Well said, Pamela!
Yes, it seems I was the Enemy #1 in their list... Badge of honor!
The irony is also that - as one of my Twitter followers wrote: "Adam Schiff will make you a very rich man" (verbatim)
In the old days it was common belief in Washington that the true measure of someone's power was measured by the cumulative strength of his enemies not friends, go you! :~)
Good Point!
They attack you when you are Over the Target...
Great to be in touch again Greg! Keep up the good work!
Yes! that's great! - check my Substack more often...
I will work with my lawyers to be on the Joe Rogan show - to expose the whole Adam Shiff shenanigans ->>> plus the Paul Sperry / Sean Hannity rip-off of my info on Eric Ciaramella of Oct 2019..
I promise! I'll check your Substack more often! I've sucked at being in touch my friend. Such great comments from people who are wide awake! Refreshing! Keep the faith and stay your fearless self! Big hug to you! Prayers always too. God bless you Greg! 🙏
Hi Sharleta, I sent you a message on Skype... please check it out...
I hope you are still using Skype...
Hi my friend! Holy cow!! That dirty pedo, bug eyed creep!!! Your Twitter account was so enlightening you probably scared the entire ( 3 letter DS ) . I'm not kidding about that either. Adam Schiff I'd the master of conspiracy theories and sick enough to believe himself!! So creepy and evil 😈. That guy is filled full of demon 😈 Sue him into poverty Greg! Praying for you too. My account is not back yet. Hopefully it all will be restored 🙏 God bless you!
Hi Sharleta! Great to see you!
Yes, unbelievable: it was Adam Schiff who did it!
I was stunned when I read that letter. It seems Adam Schiff was obsessed by @GregRubini! - there is also a 2nd letter that came out...
Yes, there is no doubt that Adam Schiff acted on behalf of someone else, someone above his rank. That could be either the FBI/CIA/NSA, as you say, or the top levels of the DNC/Perkins Coie/Biden Cabal
It seems I was (am) their Top Enemy #1 !
Badge of Honor!
If they attacked me so hard, it means I was Over the Target.
* * *
I am lawyered up, and I will sue Adam Schiff, and everyone else involved very hard ($3.2 Billion in damages and defamation). Including Paul Sperry, Sean Hannity and Fox News for the Eric Ciaramella affair (The THEFT of my Intellectual Property).
* * *
My lawyers will contact Elon Musk directly this week.
Write me here your handle on Twitter, so I will tell Elon Musk to reinstate your account!
Greg: As the late great El Rushbo always said, the democrats will always show who they're most afraid of by their actions. Yes, you definitely were top of the list.
Go get'em! Eye of the Tiger time. Make 'em pay, big time!!!
You bet!
I will be Unstoppable!
Thank you.
Note that Eric Ciaramella is a member of the liberal-fascist Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Sean Misko is a recent member. The CFR is part of the UK Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) network, many Rhodes Scholars and LSE alumni are CFR members, etc.
As usual, the key players on the "Biden team" are CFR members, including the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense, Commerce and Homeland Security. Also the CIA director, Fed chairman, and dozens of deputies, advisors, ambassadors, etc.
Most of the CIA directors have been CFR members, including: Burns, Morell, Petraeus, Hayden, Goss, Tenet, Deutch, Woolsey, Webster, Casey, Gates, Turner, Bush, Colby, Schlesinger, Helms, McCone, and Dulles.
Allen Dulles, who ran the original CIA "Operation Mockingbird" to coordinate the media, was a CFR director for 40 years. Same stuff, different decade. See chart: swprs.org/the-american-empire-and-its-media/
The CFR has always been one of the Key players in American politics. Hand in hand with the CIA and the "Federal" Reserve.
Thank you for pointing out, John!
Greg, I too hope you’re successful, and welcome back to Twitter! Question: For the report you made (#8 in your series) for NY, what data and analysis (generally) did you use to get your numbers? Are you aware of the work done by New York Citizens Audit? Look for the Zark files substack, see their website at AuditNY.com, and get an introduction with links to major interview videos and articles (with surprising -- and dare I say disturbing -- data) at both of these shortcut links:
↗️ Art Zark’s substack re: NY voter rolls, etc.
Thank you, NC!
I will look into that...
According to my data, NY State was too close to call.
My Election Report on NY State, NJ, CT can be found at this link:
Schiff is anti goyem.
Adam Schiff is a Paskudnik Farshtukener Chazer.
Wow! That's just unbelievable 😳
If you could ask Elon Musk that would be very much appreciated!
Will do...
Thank you for being such a great friend Greg! I could say all the negative and evil thing's about many platforms especially Twitter. But, God does make bad thing be turned for good and the friendships made on Twitter only made us stronger. The Watchman on the Wall. Friendships for life. Have a great day! It's great to be in touch again. Sincerely Sharleta ✝️
We are friends since early 2019, Sharleta! That makes 4 years...
I will help you getting your Twitter account back - so we can DM again...
Elon Musk is Saving the Country!
By buying Twitter, restoring Free Speech, "The Twitter Files" revelations...
Can you believe that? Four years! Wow! It seems like yesterday. Thank you for any help. I pray you have success. But as you say, Elon Musk is definitely being used by Hod to expose the dark halls of Twitter land and all its shadows we didn't see. My time will happen when it's supposed to. I'm praying for Elon to have wisdom and courage. I like his one liner comments. Cracks me up. No nonsense and straight to the point. Epic.
Adam Schiff is a Paskudnik, Farshtukener Chazer.