I have waited 6 years for this. I still hold my breath to see if anyone is ever held accountable, particularly those at the top. At least now, I have an idea of what transpired so far in the Sussman trial and at long last I have a glimmer of hope (cautiously hopeful) for the truth to finally be made known. Thank you for your diligent reporting.

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Thank you, Bianca! Yes, we have all been waiting for this moment for so long... since at least 2018, I would say... I was expecting many indictments to be brought forward by Durham in September 2020, before the Elections, but unfortunately that did not happen.

We'll see what happens from now on, however the picture that is emerging from the trail and from the transcripts is extremely interesting.

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May 24, 2022Liked by Greg Rubini

i am glad i subscribed this is real journalism! keep it up.

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Thank you, Jim! very kind of you

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May 24, 2022Liked by Greg Rubini

Thank you for the excellent report and keeping us up-to-date. Certainly this is the best source and it is greatly appreciated

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May 24, 2022·edited May 24, 2022Author

Thank you, Bellatrix! Actually the Sussmann Trial is much better than I thought - it's a bit like those old B&W Perry Mason movies...

I am following the trial daily, and reading/analyzing the transcripts (more than 1,000 pages until now) and taking notes.

However, I prefer to write articles considering The Big Picture, connecting the Dots, rather than writing articles on the daily interviews (which give a very limited perspective). This is why I waited until yesterday to write this article - which I refined and published today. More to come...

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May 24, 2022Liked by Greg Rubini

I can tell how much thought you are putting into everything and you also have it outlined and organized really well. You certainly have a sharp mind to be able to comprehend all this! I’m going to share this on Twitter right now, I sure hope people see it so the truth is revealed!

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Thank you, Bellatrix!

yes, is a tangled web of shenanigans, that the Durham Team is being laying out in this trial. I've been following the Durham Investigation since its very start, in February 2019 (or, I should say, since 2018...) and this has been an advantage to understand and interpret what is really going on, behind the scenes.

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Hi Greg, I'm fairly busy, and I hate to admit that because I have so many (I think very legitimate) concerns about our country's well being, I've pushed a few very important things off into a personal "Who knows?" pile, so I can focus on, say, election fraud. Well I just read your substack and I very much like how you lay out the testimony and commentary so that even the likes of me can follow along, and I'm signing up. You just made me hopefully optimistic that there might, finally, be consequences for some of the corruption coming out of D.C. and the nonstop harassment of our then sitting President Trump, starting even before he sat down and continuing after he was fraudulently unseated. Thx!

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Thanks for the time and effort that you put into this. I’m especially appreciative of the breakdown of James Baker’s testimony.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Author

Thank you, Athena!

yes, the James Baker testimony is the centerpiece of the entire Durham investigation on the Alfa Bank affair (I should say "Hoax"). Therefore, it is important to see what James Baker really said, in his testimony at the trial. Indeed, without reading and attentively analyzing the transcripts, it is impossible to grasp what is really going on.

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Interesting perspective. Thanks for your time and effort

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Thank you, Pete!

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May 25, 2022Liked by Greg Rubini

I thank you for you excellent article...I have been hopeful for several years that Mr. Durham would do that which is right, and important for our country. I see now, after some doubts as to he might go, that indeed, he is doing a good job.

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May 25, 2022·edited May 25, 2022Author

Indeed, same here... From what we read in the transcripts, and from what we can infer from them, Durham and his Team have done an awesome job - and that was not easy. We are now seeing the first results, and I believe that much more will come... I expect many more indictments, for Criminal Conspiracy, Fraud, and much more, for many of those bad guys.

Thank you for your kind words, Apeon!

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No I don’t think president trump could possibly read all responses. Your analysis is needed now and much appreciated. You have the facts and can retrieve them all. I have notes in my notes on iPhone. I will eventually go to desk top but sitting at my desk is not enticing 🤓Looking forward to your Eric Ciaramella update.

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@Angela73 I found you and been tagging you on a few truths. So happy you are on. You have been my go to since twitter and Eric Ciaramella 😂. I was so afraid to mention his name but did it anyways. Nothing ever happened to him either! DC FBI needs to be dismantled.

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Yes, I saw them! Just I wasn't sure it was you...

oh yes, one of these days I have to write a nice article on Substack on Eric Ciaramella... !!

Back in Feb. 2020 I had begun writing a book on Ciaramella, then I had to postpone completing it, given the Election events... that we know very well...

I agree: the CIA, the FBI, the DOJ must be dismantled!! - I was tweeting that to President Trump back in 2018 (as replies to his tweets) - but unfortunately he didn't listen!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Greg Rubini

Thanks for all of your hard work Greg. My concern is that Sussman will say I only heard a concern about Russia and HE was lied to by some cyber guy. These criminals are very clever. Again thanks Greg. Your work is incredible. How do you have the time to gather this much info? I’m glad you do.

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May 30, 2022·edited May 30, 2022Author

Thank you, Gongulent! very kind words from you... Well, I actually read the trial transcripts (which seems very few "journalists" are doing, even the Fox News reporters), and I "Connect the Dots". There are a lot of gems and interesting information in the trial transcripts, which reveal also what the Durham Team has been doing - they did an excellent investigative job, I would say.

The issue about the transcripts is that we are talking of 2300 pages of transcripts (I've read about 1300 pages, I think...)

About Sussmann: well, the charge is very simple and very clear: "Sussmann lied to the FBI" - to the General Counsel of the FBI - presenting fraudulent allegations (even worse!). Now the question is: "did the Durham Team prove that Sussmann lied to the FBI?" Absolutely!

Will Sussmann be convicted? Well, the issue here is that the jury is biased (Wash DC). So, we'll see.

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Thanks for your opinion. I hope we see more indictments. You on truth yet? Desk top is available.

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Yes, I tried to sign up on Truth social a few days ago, on the web version, but I did not receive the sms code, so the sign-up process got stuck in the middle. Probably they still have some bugs to solve. I will try again this weekend.

I will publish a short post here on Substack, when I'm in.

Today I signed up on Locals (Dinesh d'Souza is there, Gen. Flynn, Project Veritas, Tore Says, and others)

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Hi Angela, the sign up on Truth social finally worked... (June 3)

my handle on Truth is @GregRubini - which is yours? (so I can follow you)

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Thank you Greg. It was a great breakdown and important to read the actual testimony. Sussman will be the fall guy, I keep reading no big fish indictments. I’m an optimist so never say never. Excellent art it’s always.

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Hi Angela! Thank you!

Yes, the transcripts are key. There are a lot of interesting information in those transcripts.

(unfortunately we have more than 1,800 pages of transcripts to read through... I think I've read and examined about 1,300 pages until now)

I believe that Sussmann is just the tip of the iceberg. Many more indictments will come - and for way more serious crimes than just "lying to the FBI". Interestingly, seems that the Sussmann defense (Latham Watkins) is (unwittingly?) helping the Durham Team in laying out the Criminal Conspiracy...

I think there is a Strategy here.

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