A few days ago James O'Keefe and his team published an undercover interview with a high level CIA officer.
The name of the ambushed CIA officer is Amjad Fseisi.
The title of the O’Keefe expose’ is: “CIA: Project Manager says Execs and Directors of CIA withheld information from Trump”
It is an outstanding expose’ by the O'Keefe team.
Congratulations to James O'Keefe, and especially to the undercover girl who conducted the interview with the CIA officer Amjad Fseisi. Brilliant job!
From the O’Keefe expose’ we learned some interesting stuff from inside the top echelons of the CIA, especially regarding Gina Haspel and Mike Pompeo.
Some things we knew since 2020, some things we didn’t.
We also learned what they think about Trump inside the CIA.
In this article you will learn everything you want to know about CIA Director Gina Haspel, and her shenanigans.
This article is exclusively for paid subscribers.