The Grand Canyon is one of the most amazing wonders of the Planet.
It is 18 miles wide, 1 mile deep and 270 miles long.
But what do we really know about the Grand Canyon?
- how did such a huge scar on the Planet form?
- and when was the Grand Canyon carved?
Evolutionist scientists tell us that the Grand Canyon was carved by the tiny Colorado river in the course of Millions of years.
- but is it the truth?
- have you ever seen a river flow uphill??
- have you ever seen a river flow uphill for 3,600 feet?
Evolutionist scientists keep telling us that the rocks exposed on the sides of the Grand Canyon are 270 Million years old, to 515 Million years old, to 1.8 Billion years old.
But are they telling us the truth?
What is “The Great Unconformity”?
is the Grand Canyon related to the Flood?
which is the True age of the rocks of the Grand Canyon?
The book “The Flood: The Mystery of the Grand Canyon” unveils the groundbreaking discoveries on the Grand Canyon:
You can buy the book at the Greg Rubini Bookstore on Squarespace, at this link:
The Flood: The Mystery of the Grand Canyon
The findings in the book are supported by data, discoveries and scientific papers authored by these scientists:
Dr. Steve Austin, PhD, Geologist
Dr. Andrew Snelling, PhD, Geologist
Dr. John R. Baumgardner, PhD, Geophysics and Space Physics, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Robert Gentry, PhD, Nuclear Physics
Dr. Jim Mason, PhD, Nuclear Physics
My guess is an arc discharge as a result of one hell of a solar flare/CME.