The Flood Discovery is a series of 7 books.
The 7 books of the “Flood Discovery” are focused on the Flood, and its mysteries.
Book 1 “The Flood: Science and the Bible” is the Foundation of the entire Flood Discovery book series:
In Book 1 of the “Flood Discovery” series I examine the narration of the Flood in the Book of Genesis, which spans for 77 verses on 4 chapters, from chapter 6 to chapter 9.
It is the longest narration in the Book of Genesis,
longer than the Adam and Eve story, longer than the Creation story.
Why is it so long?
What is the story of the Flood telling us?
Noah is given precise instructions on how to build the Ark:
“And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: the length of the Ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits”
“With lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it”
“A window shalt thou make to the Ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof”
It reads like a blueprint, an engineering project.
One cubit is equivalent to approximately 1.5 feet.
Thus, this was the size of the Ark: length: 450 feet; width: 75 feet; height: 45 feet.
The Ark was huge.
Why is the narration of the Flood in the Book of Genesis so detailed?
The Book of Genesis tells us that only 8 persons survived the Flood:
Noah, his wife, the 3 sons of Noah: Shem, Ham and Japheth, and their 3 wives.
Chapter 7, verse 11 of the Book of Genesis tells:
“On the same day all the Fountains of the Great Deep broke up, and the Windows of Heaven were opened”
What are the “Fountains of the Great Deep”?
The Book of Genesis tells us that Abraham and his family were living in Sumer, 4,000 years ago. The Sumerians had an advanced civilization, 5,000 years ago, on par with the Ancient Egyptians.
The Sumerians had a “Flood Story” too, and it was written on clay tablets.
Those tablets are 4,600 years old.
The Sumerians Flood story tells of a Noah-like character, an ark, and animals in the ark saved from the Flood.
Is it the same Flood narrated in the Book of Genesis?
According to the renowned Sumerologist Samuel Noah Kramer:
“The Biblical and Sumerian versions of the Flood story show numerous and obvious parallels” - from Samuel Noah Kramer's book “The Sumerians”, published by the University of Chicago in 1963.
In the book, Greg Rubini investigates the scientific data, and compares them with the narration of the Flood.
The findings confirm that a Global Catastrophe of unimaginable proportions indeed happened, and it was a Catastrophe that changed the Planet forever.
There are still today multiple signs of that Global Catastrophe, and they can be found all over the world.
In the book, the author provides a reconstruction of the Catastrophe, based on the scientific data from Geology and Geophysics, and from the Flood text of the Book of Genesis.
The author reveals what are the “Fountains of the Great Deep” mentioned in chapter 7 of the Book of Genesis: they are a very recognizable feature in today's Earth, and those verses of the Book of Genesis are the key to understand what happened.
When did the Flood Catastrophe happen?
Who wrote the Flood account in the Book of Genesis?
You can buy the book at the Greg Rubini Bookstore, at this link:
The Flood: Science and The Bible
The findings in the book are supported by data, discoveries, scientific papers and books authored by these scientists and scholars:
Dr. John R. Baumgardner, PhD, Geophysics and Space Physics, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dr. Andrew Snelling, PhD, Geologist
Dr. Steve Austin, PhD, Geologist
Dr. Jim Mason, PhD, Nuclear Physics
Dr. Walter Brown, PhD, Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Samuel Noah Kramer, PhD, Sumerologist
Dr. Halton Arp, PhD, Astronomer
Joshua 24:2-3 states that Terah dwelt on the other side of the Flood. I just recently found it. It blew my mind. I still l have yet to study it further. That‘ll be interesting, I’m sure.